Sunday, April 10, 2011

Raising the, Rod + Epic Fail

Ever have an idea that you think is incredible? Seriously, like it's the best idea you've ever had? Ever?

Yeah, me, too. That idea for me was to customize Ikea Ritva curtains for the TV room. It started off easily enough. Lovey had to travel to Salt Lake where he purchased me two sets of 98" white Ritvas. Easy!

I had previously bought 3+ yards of Thom Filicia for Kravet fabric from the clearance section of Hancock. Easy!

I thought it would be the perfect accent for the curtain border. So I sat down with my sharpest scissors and got to work.

Here's what I didn't anticipate.

To create borders for two sets of curtains, one must cut eight identical 98" strips of fabric.

One must then fold under each side to the fabric to produce a straight edge and iron.

One must then fold the fabric in half and create one long 98' strip of fabric.

Multiply the above process by 8.

Seven (or so) packages of Heat and Bond later, the curtains were complete!

Then came the process of raising the curtain rods to accommodate the new 96" length (2" hem, natch). No home improvement process has ever gone smoothly in this house. Due to random placement of studs (or lack thereof), things aren't always smooth. This curtain rod raising was no exception.

The first screw I put in went straight through drywall. A massive anchor didn't help. After a few choice $&^$*)&!!! words, I went on to the other brackets - which went in smoothly - until I reached the next to last. Here's where we hit some sort of - something - that prevented the screw from going in all the way. *^%$&*^*&^*&^!!!!!!!!! This is where Lovey stepped in and saved the day. He used his massive brute strength to not only get the remainder of the brackets up, he probably kept me from throwing a hammer through a wall.

At long last, here is the final reveal.

Crappy picture due to crappy weather last week.

And a detail shot:

I have never been so glad that a project is complete. And I do love them now although it was touch and go there for a while.


And now, I'm not too proud to admit when I have failed. And this project failed epically.

Remember the cheap craigslist lamps? The ones I decided to silver leaf? Well.....that shizz is hard! Especially on a textured surface.

Out of impatience, I tried to use chrome spray paint.

Isn't it funny how "chrome" is less "shiny" and more "dull, fake looking silver"?

Hello, Kilz primer spray!

1000 times better already. Hmmm, maybe this is how they should stay. Hmmmm.